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Lara Trump’s Plastic Surgery: Botox, Fillers & Botched Lip Job; Before and After Pictures Evaluated!

Lara Trump's Plastic Surgery: Botox, Fillers & Botched Lip Job; Before and After Pictures Evaluated!

Coming into the limelight with her infamous political career, Lara Trump is being talked about for her botched plastic surgery. From Instagram to Twitter, people can’t help but talk about her plastic surgery that’s been done wrong in so many ways. From fillers to botox and a messy lip procedure, here’s all about Lara Trump’s plastic surgery, how she looked when she was young, and how she is now!

The producer and host of Trump Productions‘ Real News Update and a producer of Inside Edition, Lara Trump has established herself as a well-addressed Television personality. Originally from Wilmington, North Carolina, Lara Trump is also a part of Fox News as of March 29, 2021.

Not just her professional career but also famous for her personal relations, Lara Trump is known as part of Donald Trump‘s family. Married to Donald Trump’s son Eric Trump, Lara is associated mostly with Trump.

She led the Trump-Pence Women’s Empowerment Tour during the 2016 presidential campaign and acted as the Trump Tower liaison for Brad Parscale‘s Giles-Parscale organization. When her father-in-law was elected president, she became an online producer and fundraiser for him. Thus, being highly involved.

Apart from Lara Trump’s impressive and sometimes controversial media career, she is currently in highlight for her plastic surgery and supposedly botched procedure. So, here’s everything you need to know about Lara Trump’s plastic surgery!

Previously, we touched on the plastic surgery efforts of Michaela Coel and Gloria Trevi.

Lara Trump’s Plastic Surgery: Mocked for Her Botched Lip Filler, Here’s How Lara Trump Is Dealing With Her Plastic Surgery Speculations!

The audience believes that Lara Trump has surely got plastic surgery with her lips appearing botched with surgical invasion. People always listen more to what Lara says with her mouth than what she actually says when she speaks. Every time she expresses her views in public, she always stirs up controversy and receives flak for it. But more than that, because of how much plastic surgery she’s had, people are more interested in her appearance than anything else.

Comparing Lara Trump’s pictures from when she was young and as of 2022, she looks different from how she used to. This makes it clear that Lara surely opted for cosmetic interventions to alter her appearance.

With speculations of Face Lift, Botox, and Fillers, Lara Trump is not just being talked about her for dissension but also about her looks, especially her botched lips. Lara Trump receives harsh satire for having plastic surgery done too deeply on her lips. Social media is awash with comments from individuals mocking her lips.

Scouring through her Instagram (@laraleatrump), many have commented on how her cheeks look unnaturally filled and about her lips. While many believe that Lara uses filters and effects and that she might have done some small procedures only, the rest are sure that Lara Trump is an example of a botched plastic surgery.

Many remarks have been made frequently in the past as well regarding Lara’s looks. Harsh comments follow Lara everywhere she goes, mostly because of her connections with Donald Trump and of course the botched plastic surgery.

Jimmy Kimmel even mocked Lara Trump on his show in regards to her Lip Injection. Lara defended the choice of her father-in-law, former President Donald Trump, to forgo supporting the United States Kurdish friends in Syria. She made the contentious implication that the choice was acceptable because the typical American out there would have to research “Who are the Kurds, and why is America even over there waging this war?”

Jimmy Kimmel getting offended by the remarks of Lara Trump, slammed her in his show saying,

They’d also have to Google, ‘Who is the heartless imbecile with lip injections on my TV right now?’

While many were upset about the remarks, the internet got all fired up with headlines and curiosities about Lara Trump’s plastic surgery. Yet again Kimmel dragged Lara saying in regards to her comment on President Joe Biden. Jimmy saying her only political credentials were that she married Eric Trump and that she appeared on Fox to ‘put those big new lips she has right there on daddy-in-law’s a**’.

Apart from the infamous lip fillers scandal, many believe that Lara also got Breast Implants. She reportedly made $180,000 a year for her consulting services when Donald Trump was president of the United States and she was a part of his campaign staff.

Following the release of that information, a number of people also tried to determine the exact amount that the taxpayers are paying for her cosmetic surgery implying Lara used most of her money on cosmetic procedures which turned out to be just as botched as her reputation.

Despite being accused publicly, Lara Trump has never addressed the rumors of her plastic surgery. The slamming and degrading on Television didn’t work for the truth about her plastic surgery to be out of her own mouth.

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Last modified: August 19, 2022
