Written by 4 years ago Movies

‘Supernatural’ – Jared Padalecki is Taking Home an Impala Too!

'Supernatural' - Jared Padalecki is Taking Home an Impala Too!

Jensen Ackles is not the only Supernatural star taking home the beloved Impala.

Dean Winchester star Jensen Ackles is not the only Supernatural cast member to get the Winchester Impala. Jared Padalecki, who plays Dean’s younger brother Sam, is receiving one, too.

For the last 15 years, Supernatural has ruled as the most durable WB/CW production. The show follows brothers Sam and Dean as they take over the family business and become hunters of supernatural beings.

Throughout the series, the Winchester brothers come up against a whole host of forces, with God Himself as their final opponent. Following a delay induced by the COVID-19 pandemic, Supernatural is set to draw the curtains in November; the first of its remaining seven episodes will air next month.

Last week, Supernatural ended work on the final episode of the series. Those involved in the show, such as producer Eric Kripke and Ackles, celebrated the finale taking to social media.

With Supernatural wrapping up production, all that’s left is for them to pick their souvenirs from the set. Ackles had both smiles and relaxed sighs as he shared he would take home Dean’s “baby”: the 1967 Chevrolet Impala.

Sam and Dean Winchester with their beloved impala.

Sam and Dean Winchester with their beloved impala.
Source: Pinterest

The Impala was basically like the third lead character of Supernatural, and there’s no better man than Ackles to get the beloved car. However, he’s not going to be the only one.

On Michael Rosenbaum‘s podcast Inside of You, Padalecki announced he would also be owning a Chevy Impala. “We both get a car,” Padalecki affirmed when Rosenbaum mentioned Ackles, scooping up one of them. “It wasn’t in either of our contracts; it was a gift from them.”

Padalecki explained later, claiming the executives at Warner Bros. persisted on giving Impalas to both the lead stars as a token of appreciation for their hard work over the years.

Ackles had previously said Impala was entered into their deals, but Padalecki’s statements say otherwise. Irrespective of how it came about, it’s pretty nice to know Supernatural’s Impala is getting their deserved homes.

Ackles and Padalecki invested a really long time on this wonderful show, and it’s quite fitting that they’re having something as big as a car for their farewell presents.


Meanwhile, since Supernatural is bidding farewell, both stars will move on to new TV roles: Padalecki is set to star in CW’s Walker, the reboot of Texas Ranger, while Ackles will feature in The Boys season 3.

This week marks the 15th anniversary of the Supernatural premiere, which is serving to make the upcoming finale more symbolic.

Had 2020 gone as expected, Supernatural would have been completed; but now, viewers are getting a bit more fun with Sam and Dean before they take their final bows.

It remains to be seen how Supernatural ultimately concludes, but at least fans can safely bet the Impala is in safe hands behind the scenes.

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Last modified: September 19, 2020
