Spider-Man will reportedly wear a symbiote suit in the next trilogy in the MCU.
The symbiote narrative continues to be one of the most popular Spider-Man graphic novel storylines of all time, even though the presentation through live-action turned out to be a massive letdown.
Excitement levels from fans reached the peak when it was first announced that Sam Raimi‘s third movie was going to deliver Tobey Maguire‘s Peter Parker in the classic black suit, but apparently, the promotional releases wouldn’t indicate the unrest behind the scenes that had hampered the development.
Raimi never intended to involve Venom or Eddie Brock in the plot, believing that the story of Sandman and Harry Osborn carrying on his dad’s legacy was more than enough, but he ultimately gave up under pressure from Sony.
Evidently, it became the worst aspect of Spider-Man 3 which was already stuffed, but informant Mikey Sutton asserts that the studio is eager to try anew.
Of note, the symbiote is still the focal point of Sony’s SPUMC after Venom accumulated over $850 million worldwide, and there was no lack of speculation that Tom Hardy and Holland would stumble across each other sooner rather than later.
As per Sutton, the two studios have found some common ground that enables the symbiote to join Peter Parker in his fourth superhero movie, potentially building for an exciting battle between Spider-Man and Venom in the near future.
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Tom Holland is due to stay as both SPUMC and MCU’s Spidey for the foreseeable future, and his next string of solitary adventures is generally anticipated to follow him through his college years.
With the blend between Sony and Marvel just being more apparent all throughout Spider-Man 3 and Morbius, the second jab of the symbiotic plot possesses an aura of the inevitable outcome.
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